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All applicants for admission must be made on the prescribed form.along with a no- refundable amount.No student will be admitted unless he produces a Transfer Certificate and mark sheet o previous school as well as the Birth Certificate. For all the classes there is a corresponding scale of minimum and maximum age respectively. For all the classes the admission will be confirmed after qualifying the entrance test. The School authorities reserve the right through the Director to reject any application for admission without assigning any reason and even to expel any student already admitted to the school. Fees deposited is not refundable in any case if the student withdraws himself during the session.
If any child has to be withdrawn from the school, at least one calendar months notice in writing should be given to the Principal/Director. Those who leave the school in May must pay the fee for the month of June. The school has the right to ask the parents to withdraw their child if his/her progress in the study is unsatisfactory. Honesty, cleanliness, good manners, and loyalty are expected from each student, and anyone, not conforming to the school’s rules in these matters may be asked to leave. Immorality or willfully damages to property are always the reason for dismissals.